
Showing posts from July, 2019

How To Maintain An Epoxy Floor For A Stunning Look

An epoxy floor is perfect for warehouses, garages and basements. While they are pretty much worry-free, a little bit of maintenance will help to keep them looking their best for years to come. In fact, by following these few simple tips, you will be regarded as the go-to individual for epoxy floor maintenance in your neighborhood! Are you ready to get your flooring to shine like the top of the Chrysler Building? Great, let’s get started! One of the very first things to consider with your flooring is to ensure all spills are quickly mopped and cleaned up to the best of your ability. This is simply going to ensure that stains are not allowed to form. And it is always easier to clean up a wet spill as opposed to one of those that has settled in. In many cases, all you need is a damp mop or cloth and just wipe the floor clean. Depending upon how much use the floor gets, you will want to do either daily or weekly cleaning. This can generally be done with a soft bristle broom and a damp

The Pros Of Epoxy Floors

Floors are something that many people do not pay close attention to unless there is something wrong with them even though they are essential parts of any structure. Considering that floors play a crucial role in workday safety and productivity, it is vital that you take the time to consider the type of flooring you have installed in your facility... The post The Pros Of Epoxy Floors appeared first on Be Healthy And Wealthy .

4 Signs Your Roof Needs Restoration

The roof is a crucial part of your home. It protects your family and everything in the house from harsh weather elements, among other factors. Roofs, however, have a lifespan after which they need to be replaced or restored for optimal performance. Although most roofs will have a lifespan of around 20 years or more, there are times when you need to call a professional roofer to handle repairs and minor servicing. Some signs of roof damage, however, indicate it is time for a new roof. Some of the signs to watch out for are outlined below. 1. Missing Or Damaged Shingles Any signs of missing curled up, or cracked shingles is a key indicator that your roof is approaching its end of life. Missing or curled shingled might result in roof leaks hence should be addressed immediately. Although you can have the missing or curled shingled replaced, it might be time you started saving or planning for a new roof. 2. Shingle Granules in the Gutters Gutters are meant to direct water away from the